#47 (Eli puts his plan in motion…)

SoapKast Inc.
4 min readSep 1, 2021

Eli Davenport closed the report on his desk with a slightly bemused smile. Had he known it would be this easy, he would have enacted this plan years ago. Moreover, he never would have involved Charles Montgomery, IV or tried to get his family to act in unison in order to take Davenport Technology private. It seemed that in Meredith’s endless bouts of hubris as the CEO of the company, she and the board had initiated several bond issuances which hadn’t made so much as a blip outside of the board room. Eli hadn’t heard anyone talk about it, but now a source had given him the names of all fifty bondholders along with the size of their debt in Davenport Technology. If Eli could manage to buy each of these bonds, he could, in effect, takeover Davenport by virtue of being its only debt holder. It was a risky proposition, but it was something he needed to explore. The price tag alone was staggering: $1.1 billion. However, if it’s one thing Eli knew how to do it was to raise money quietly before pouncing on his unsuspecting target. His family had rebuffed him as had Charles, but this time, Eli was intent to prove to them that he was the one in charge. Once he took over Davenport Technology, they’d all have to bow to him.

From the darkness of Eli’s bedroom, he thought about what to do next. He quickly dialed a familiar phone number of a contact in Hong Kong to begin raising the financing he would need to buy Davenport’s bonds. In this heady moment, Eli knew his future was all but secure. He could feel his life changing in ways he couldn’t yet imagine… And change his life it would because, in the lives of all great people, hubris proceeds every demise…

“Charles, we need to talk about India.”

Charles Montgomery, IV sat in his bedroom, a scarlet robe draped across his aging, yet firm body. He placed a thick financial report on the end table as he said, “What is it now?”

Alison Farrell Montgomery quietly padded across the room before resting on the edge of the bed. “She’s out of control. She… Charles, while India was in Paris, she accused the man I was seeing of…well…the most horrible things. He denied it. She insisted she was telling the truth. The night of my birthday party, he showed up at the estate with an invitation…which had been sent by India. Charles, I’m terrified about what she’ll do next.”

Charles eyed his wife with grave concern. “Well,” he said after a long moment, “India is mostly harmless…”

“She most certainly is not! Don’t you remember when she set fire to the cottage with Billy inside?”

“India said that was an accident.”

“I’m not surprised she would say that! Charles, the things she accused my former lover of doing almost exactly mirrored what she accused Connor of all those years ago.” Alison took a deep breath before adding, “I don’t think two men who’ve never met each other could possibly conspire to treat India the same way. It’s impossible.”

“We have to believe our daughter.”

“India is dangerous,” snapped Alison. “She’s always been volatile, Charles. For some unfathomable reason, you refuse to see it.”

“She’s our little girl…”

“She’s unhinged. We need to get her help. Real help. We can’t keep enabling her, Charles.”

“I’m not sending India to a funny farm. She’s merely high-spirited, if not just a little high strung.”

Alison gave Charles a look of unwavering disbelief. “You refuse to face the truth about her.”

“Alison, you’re bordering on the histrionic. India is not a threat to anyone. She likes to play games with people.”

“India is not a saint. What she does is not good-natured sportsmanship. It’s menacing. It’s planned. It’s… Someone will get hurt one day, Charles. The way she behaves…it’s a given.”

Charles shook his head with firm disbelief. “She’s been on her best behavior since she returned to Kingsport. Why, she hasn’t interfered with Billy and Connor’s wedding, has she?”

“Not that I’m aware of,” said Alison, coolly. “That doesn’t mean she hasn’t tried.”

“Billy and Connor are getting married in a matter of days. Let’s put our energies behind their wedding day instead of worrying about India.” Charles removed his glasses, took a sip of aged whisky, and stared dolefully at Alison. “You need to have a little faith, Alison.”

Alison rose with a heavy heart. “I don’t have any faith left. I’ve seen what India can do, Charles. I’m scared. For the first time in my life, I’m scared of her. I just hope… No, I pray…that she can resist causing a scene at Billy’s wedding because…knowing her…she’ll make sure their wedding never happens…”

In our next installment, Jill makes a plea to Connor…

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